
8th Grade Graduation will be May 10 @ 6:00pm in the Event Center.



The following is information regarding the week of graduation.

* May 6th, 7th, 8th, will be normal school days

* The last day for assignments and graded work to be turned in is May 8th.

* May 9th will be the 8th grade students last day of school. On May 9th we will practice for graduation and students will get their yearbooks. It will be a full day for the students.

May 9th at practice cap and gowns will be handed out

*Students must be at practice in order to participate in the graduation ceremony.

*May 10th is Graduation at 6:00.

*Students should be at school no later than 5:45 on May 10th and should go to the 5-8 commons when they arrive at the building.

* Event Center Doors will be unlocked at 5:15.

* All Graduates will have their picture taken before graduation. The code to access the picture and order, if you choose to, will be with the student’s diploma.

* Students may decorate their hat as long as it is school appropriate. I have cautioned them to be careful because we do not have extra hats if they mess their hat up.

* Students MUST pass 8th grade to participate in the graduation ceremony. Any student that does not pass will be enrolled in summer school and will receive their diploma after successfully completing summer school.

*If a student is not participating in graduation, please notify the office as soon as possible.

*If a student chooses not to participate in graduation, they will be able to pick their diploma up in the office on Monday May13th

If you have any questions please contact the 5-8 office.